Is the 5-second rule real?

Dr. Devi Nampiparampil, good to have you.
Nice to see you.
I know you too perfectly.
Great to see you this morning.
People are analyzing the 5 second rule for years. They started in [a ]folkrole, this idea ¥that¥ if something falls on the floor, if pick it up [in]¥within¥ 5 seconds, you are okay. But now, some sciences are behind this in your study.
Yeah, they actually compared whether 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and even 24 hours makes a difference, and really there isn’t too much difference in terms of the time.
24 hours!?
It really depends on what bacterias are out there more so on the time, right? Because even in less than 5 seconds, that bacteria could transfer to the food. So, it’s the surface of the floor and the surface of the food that makes the most difference.
So, let me bring you back to about 4:45, this morning when i took a handful of my chocolate chunk things. And one of the chocolates chunks fall on the floor, ¥I said¥ do I get it?
which did you do?
I picked it up and left it away.
IBut i was worried.. concerned about the carpet.
So, the carpet is actually a little bit safer than the floor itself. It’s actually hard¥er¥ to transfer from the carpet. But it’s really the location that makes the most of the difference. I mean, [cuz that kind of things] happen to me too. If you just clean the surface and you know that it’s clean, its a little bit different. If you drop something in the area probably dirty like the bathroom, for example, where a lot of people are walking in out of.
The carpet is okay.. there is this carpet part of Penn station in an waiting room, [my chewing gum] and it falls out [???] on the ground for 1 second! 1 second!!
That will be more [??? about it] ¥hesitant about it¥. There are so much traffic, i mean if you think about it what you are worried about is the type of bacteria , right? [equallie, salmonella] and these things might just not be on the floor if you think about the counter where you cut raw food perhaps ,right? They are more likely to have bacteria. So even whether its a counter or its your finger. If your fingers are dirty and touch the food, thats another surface that potentially could make you sick.
I just did some research. I didn’t realize even the discovery channel show myth buster did the whole episode on this and they found the same thing, they really didn’t matter. In 1 second, so, bacteria can jump right on the food.
Exactly. They can attach and so, you know, even if you think about how we get sick otherwise, [so not food] but just cold viruses or something like that. Even if someone [???]¥sneezes on their hand and its on your hand¥ touches the [zero hand], Think about how fast transfer the virus particle.
So, if you've been faced the chocolate chunk on the floor, what would you have done?
Well, [green room]¥green room¥, i probably wouldn’t have done it. Hospital, i wouldn’t do it because there are [so natures out there]¥so much germs out there¥. But i would say i dropped a pizza [that was] the last slice, and then i had just cleaned the area, then i did pick it up.
Maybe [??? Trump Peter's] Penn station comment, yesterday, we were in an event and it was out of a parking lot. It was a big public event, and it was like a lobster [claws or.. i ?? some craziness] ¥claws on ice and craziness¥. And then [I wanted this cracked]¥I went like this and cracked¥ one of them and a piece of lobster [meet]¥meat¥ flew over on the parking on the ground, and my wife [described] ¥grabbed it and said¥ “oh 5 second rule” and I ate it.
parking lot!? [?????]
I think [] drop some food
[Seafoods]¥See who's¥ brave enough to eat it.
Thank you doctor.
Nice talking to you.

Gone from the 'glades: Federal rules to put Florida's legendary airboats in dry dock

Sweeping sawgrass, big blue birds, bigger alligators, and [baby hatchling droy]. Million tourists every year at Everglades national park. And the completely wide open space in this river of grass has generations of [drone gladesman] like [his price].

Hydroplaning on their airplane-propelled airboats. But in this last section of the park where airboats are still allowed, the park’s new management plan is phasing them out. Only [gladesman who are ??ing here 1989] will be [grandfather in to continue their way of life.]

What’s wrong about it? They are robbing [children of the culture of heritage that is going on here].

The park’s planner says "don’t blame the park, blame Washington”
There is a law passed in 1989 by Congress, which basically directed the national park services to take into account private individual air-boaters and commercial tour [to ??? operations]. That's what this plan covers.

So soon, just 4 commercial airboat operators will be under contract so [irregulated] number of tourists will still be able to take the airboat ride and get that classic florida experience.

You’re taking away something that I have done for 60 years. Okay. And I said "OK, you are gonna do what I want you to do”. So it’s kinda.. I don’t mind working with the park, but I don’t like to work for the park. There is a difference.

[Official phase out of the park goes into effect next year unless future Congress reverses the rule. The glades man can there go elsewhere or somehow the fairly predicted become airboat outlaws.] ]]



rem	=====================================================
rem	フォルダごとのファイル数を数えるためのバッチ
rem	第1引数で、親ディレクトリのパスを指定する
rem	以下の階層全てのフォルダごとにファイル数を数える
rem	バッチの実行場所に、中間ファイルのtrash.csvを生成する
rem	=====================================================

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a counter=0

dir %1  /ad /s /b >trash.csv

for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%i in (trash.csv) do (
	set /a counter = 0
	for %%A in (%%i\*) do (
		if exist %%A (
			set /a counter=counter+1
	echo %%i : !counter!



 {\displaystyle \frac{\Delta Y}{Y} = \frac{\Delta A}{A} + \alpha\frac{\Delta K}{K} + (1-\alpha)\frac{\Delta N}{N} }



 {\textstyle x \approx 0}ならば  {\textstyle \log{(1+x)} \approx x}となることの導出

 {\displaystyle f(x) = \log{(1+x)}}とおく。
 {\displaystyle f'(x) = \frac{1}{1+x}}
だから、 {\textstyle f(x)} {\textstyle x = 0}の周りでマクローリン展開して、
 {\displaystyle f(x) \approx f(0) + f'(0)x = \log{1} + \frac{1}{1+0}x = 0 + x}
よって、 {\textstyle x \approx 0}ならば  {\textstyle \log{(1+x)} \approx x}となる(導出終)。


ところで、 {\textstyle t}期および {\textstyle t+1}期におけるコブ=ダグラス型の生産関数は次の通り。

時点 {\textstyle t+1}において: {\displaystyle Y_{t+1} = A_{t+1} K^{\alpha}_{t+1} N^{1-\alpha}_{t+1}}・・・(ア)
時点 {\textstyle t}において: {\displaystyle Y_{t} = A_{t} K^{\alpha}_{t} N^{1-\alpha}_{t}}・・・(イ)

以下のようにGDPの成長率を {\textstyle g}をおき、 {\textstyle g \approx 0}であるとします。
このような仮定が成り立つ理由は、5%成長だとしてもせいぜい {\textstyle g=0.05}であり、また僅か1期で大幅に成長率が跳ね上がることも考えづらいためです。

 {\displaystyle \frac{\Delta Y}{Y} = \frac{Y_{t+1}-Y_t}{Y_t} = g}

同様にして、 {\textstyle a, k, n}をおきます。これも同じく {\textstyle a, k, n \approx 0}です。

 {\displaystyle \frac{\Delta A}{A} = \frac{A_{t+1}-A_t}{A_t} = a}

 {\displaystyle \frac{\Delta K}{K} = \frac{K_{t+1}-K_t}{K_t} = k}

 {\displaystyle \frac{\Delta N}{N} = \frac{N_{t+1}-N_t}{N_t} = n}

さてここで、(ア)/(イ)を実行し、 {\textstyle g, a, k, n}で表そうとします。

 {\displaystyle \frac{Y_{t+1}}{Y_t} = \frac{A_{t+1} K^{\alpha}_{t+1} N^{1-\alpha}_{t+1}}{A_{t} K^{\alpha}_{t} N^{1-\alpha}_{t}}  \Rightarrow  (1+g) = (1+a)(1+k)^{\alpha}(1+n)^{1-\alpha}} ・・・(ウ)


 {\displaystyle \log{(1+g)} = \log{(1+a)} + \alpha\log{(1+k)} + (1-\alpha)\log{(1+n)}} ・・・(ウ)’


(左辺) {\displaystyle = \log{(1+g)} \approx g }
(右辺) {\displaystyle = \log{(1+a)} + \alpha\log{(1+k)} + (1-\alpha)\log{(1+n)} \approx a + \alpha k + (1-\alpha)n}
 {\displaystyle \Rightarrow g \approx a + \alpha k + (1-\alpha)n}

が成り立ちます。 {\textstyle g, a, k, n}を代入すれば、

 {\displaystyle \frac{\Delta Y}{Y} \approx \frac{\Delta A}{A} + \alpha\frac{\Delta K}{K} + (1-\alpha)\frac{\Delta N}{N} }



 近年、リスクパリティ(別名:リスク等価)によるポートフォリオ構築が注目を集めています。従前より広く知られてきた平均分散モデルによるポートフォリオ構築は、ポートフォリオのリスク水準が選択可能である反面、期待収益率( {\textstyle \mu})の推定が難しく入力変数が安定的ではないという大きな欠点がありました。これに対して、リスクパリティは分散のみを入力変数とした、リスクベースのポートフォリオ構築手法です*1。一般的には分散は期待収益率と比べて推定が行いやすいと言われており、よってリスクベースのポートフォリオ構築手法は、平均分散モデルよりも入力変数がロバストであると言えます。また、リスクパリティポートフォリオシャープレシオ比で優れた投資成果も指摘されています*2


 では「ポートフォリオ内の各アセットクラスのリスク寄与度を均一にする」とはどういうことか、数学的に考えてみましょう。リスク寄与度は、資産 {\textstyle i}の微小変動に対するポートフォリオの総リスク微小変動として定義すると、数式では以下のように記述できます。なお {\textstyle w_i}を資産 {\textstyle i}の投資比率、 {\textstyle \sigma_P}ポートフォリオ {\textstyle P}全体のリスク(標準偏差)とします。

資産 {\textstyle i}のリスク寄与度 { \displaystyle  = w_i\frac{\partial \sigma_P}{\partial w_i}}
ここで、{ \displaystyle \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( w_i\frac{\partial \sigma_P}{\partial w_i}\right) }} = \sigma_P,  {\textstyle \sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i = 1}

これがポートフォリオに組み入れるすべての資産について等しくなるような {\textstyle w_i, w_j}を求めるポートフォリオ選択問題を考えると。

{ \displaystyle w_i\frac{\partial \sigma_P}{\partial w_i} = w_j\frac{\partial \sigma_P}{\partial w_j} = \lambda}

 {\displaystyle \forall i=1, 2, ..., N,   j=1, 2, ..., N}

これがリスクパリティのコンセプトです。ところが上記の数式をよく検討してみると、投資比率をあらわす {\textstyle w_i}を変動させた時に、両辺の {\textstyle \sigma_P}までもが変わってしまい、解析的には解けそうにありません。


rm(list=ls(all.names=TRUE)) #全変数をクリア
epsilon <- 0.0001
#R: 相関行列の入力
R <- matrix(
#var: リスクベクトルの入力
var <- diag(c(0.0540,0.2215,0.1325,0.1959),nrow=4,ncol=4)

V <- var %*% R %*% var
N <- nrow(V)

#w: 初期条件, y_0: 初期条件
w <- matrix(1/N,N) 
y_n <- matrix(cbind(t(w), 0.3)) 

i <- 0
while (1) {
    lambda <- rev(y_n)[1]
    w = y_n[1:N]
    J_n <- rbind(cbind(V+lambda*diag((1/w)^2),(-1)*1/w),cbind(t(matrix(1,nrow=N,ncol=1)),0))
    F_n <- rbind(V %*% w - lambda*(1/w),t(matrix(1,nrow=N,ncol=1)) %*% w -1)
    y_n1 <- y_n - solve(J_n) %*% F_n
    if ((sqrt(sum((y_n1 - y_n)*(y_n1 - y_n))) < epsilon)) {
    y_n <- y_n1
#i: Newton法の繰り返し回数を計測
    i <- i + 1


#sigma: ポートフォリオのリスク
sigma <- sqrt(t(w) %*% V %*% w)


 入力すべき変数はR:相関行列 および var:リスクベクトルの2つです。上記の例では国内債券、国内株式、外国債券、外国株式の4資産にフォーカスし、年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人(GPIF)の公表している4資産のリスク・相関係数を利用しています*5。その実行結果、すなわちリスクパリティポートフォリオにおける投資比率は以下の通りです。

> print(y_n)
[1,] 0.5444692977 → 国内債券54%
[2,] 0.1298101306 → 国内株式13%
[3,] 0.2181479252 → 外国債券22%
[4,] 0.1075726465 → 外国株式11%
[5,] 0.0009178011


*1:"Risk-Parity versus Mean-Variance", UBS Quant Keys, 16 May 2014

*2:"リスクパリティポートフォリオはこれからも優れるのか", 大森(三井住友信託銀行), 2013

*3:"Efficient Algorithms for Computing Risk Parity Portfolio Weights", Denis Chaves, Jason Hsu, Feifei Li, and Omid Shakernia, 2012

*4:"EE103 - Applied Numerical Computing (Fall 2011-12)", Prof. L. Vandenberghe UCLA

*5:"リスクに着目したポートフォリオの構築手法に関する考察", 飯田(三井住友信託銀行), 2012
